Playground ideas from children and parents 01 March 2019 Within the scope of the Istanbul95 program and in collaboration with the Informal Eğitim-çocukistanbul...
Prof. Dr. Feyza Çorapçı teaches at City and Children Studies 14 February 2019 With the support of the Bernard van Leer Foundation and its focus on early childhood and in collaboration...
City and Children Studies starts! 12 February 2019 The City and Children Studies at Kadir University, kicks of with Rektor Sondan Durukanoğlu giving...
Apply for City and Children Studies 15 December 2018 Led by Kadir Has University and in partnership with Bernard van Leer Foundation and Superpool, we...
40+1 07 December 2018 Selva and Derya gave the inaugural talk of the 4+1 talk series at our recently completed Zemin Istanbul project...
Urban Playspaces Conference Videos 01 October 2018 If you missed the Urban Playspaces Conference we have collected all the wonderful case studies, panels...
Urban Playspaces Conference 11 September 2018 On the 21–22 September 2018, Studio-X Istanbul in partnership with Bernard van Leer Foundation,...
A new Summit begins! 08 May 2018 A new summit and fair is begins on May 8th 2018. For the last year we have been working with the team...
Talk in Amsterdam 11 April 2018 Superpool was Invited by Daan Roggeveen to the Academy of Architecture in Amsterdam to give a talk...
Istanbul95 Launches 08 February 2018 On February 8th 2018 the Istanbul charter of Dutch NGO Bernard van Leer Fondation's Urban95 launched...
Update from ELU 03 January 2018 The project in Northern Cyprus is getting close to completion. 3.000 m2 of floor cooling has been...
IN-BETWEEN #19 22 December 2017 Superpool Team is giving a tour at the office and present projects up close and personal. Meet Derya...
Superpool in New York 01 November 2017 Superpool was invited to New York to give at talk on past and current projects in the MA Design Research,...
Istanbul Design Biennale 12 July 2017 Jan Boelen has been appointed as the curator of the 4th Istanbul Design Biennial, to be held from...
World Cities Expo 17 May 2017 Gregers will be talking at the World Cities Expo Istanbul '17 on May 17th part of the "Governance...
Call for Fellows 08 May 2017 Selva was invited to be part of the jury selecting the fellows that had responded to the open call...
Selva Interviews Ziad Jamaleddine 01 April 2017 Selva interviews Ziad Jamaleddine in New York following up on his exhibition Praygrounds at Studio-X...
Istanbul Science Center Masterplan 28 November 2016 Under the leadership of Halil Aksu of GelecekHane, Superpool and Eray/Carbajo has developed a masterplan...
SUPERPOOL in Sao Paulo 13 April 2016 Superpool was invited to the "Espaço Livre na Cidade" conference in Sao Paulo organized by Escola...
Cihangir Mosque in Curbed 22 January 2016 Prompted by journalist Julia Cooke for the online magazine Curbed we imagined a way of increasing...
Talk in Belgrade 19 March 2015 As part of the Architecture, Utopia, Realism program at the Faculty of Architecture at University...
Istanbul Design Biennial 2014 11 November 2014 The 2nd Istanbul Design Biennial opened last week. Curated by Zoe Ryan and Meredith Carruthers, exhibition...
Uneven Growth 10 November 2014 The Uneven Growth: Tactical Urbanisms for Expanding Megacities exhibition at MoMA is opening on the...
TailorCrete is finished! 08 September 2014 After four and a half years of intense work the prototype to demonstrate all the achieved results...
ASRM 21 May 2014 Superpool is one of 8 teams that have been invited to Architektur Sommer Rhein-Main 2015. Responding...
TEDxReset 20 April 2014 Superpool was one of the speakers at this year's TEDxReset. It was a lot of fun and very inspiring...
Interview by Prof. Dr. Abdi Güzer 14 February 2014 The control room of Istanbul's first power plant "santralistanbul" formed the dramatic setting of...
SUPERPOOL & Projects Project to design Istanbul Design Biennial 2014 14 November 2013 Superpool together with New York based graphic design firm Project Projects has been commissioned...
Studio-X Istanbul opens! 09 November 2013 Studio-X Istanbul opened this week as the most recent node in Columbia University's Studio-X network....
TurkNet Service Center finished 05 November 2013 Turkish ADSL provider TurkNet first service center designed/build by Superpool is open for costumers...