Selva and Gregers have been part of a small team creating an exhibition for the Danish chapter of Architects Without Borders.
Thanks to Okay Karadayılar, Amanda Kotch, the amazing team at AuG Marja Eden and Anton Ryslinge and fabulous fabricator Jānis Karaševskis.

Press release
We build a world of solidarity - exhibition at BLOX
It is a different architecture exhibition that you can currently experience on the harbor quay in front of BLOX in Copenhagen. It highlights architecture for the benefit of vulnerable and poor groups in countries such as Sierra Leone, Kenya and Uganda, and for migrants in Italy and indigenous peoples in Canada.
The exhibition 'Building a World of Solidarity' presents ten different projects that Architects Without Borders in Denmark and our international sister organizations have carried out around the world. A group of volunteers under AUG Denmark has set up the exhibition in connection with the World Congress of Architects, which has just been held in Copenhagen.
"I hope that passers-by will notice that architects, like many other professional groups, are also in the process of exploring how we can change the structures and systems that have meant that our planet is now at a level of not -sustainable inequality," says architect Selva Gürdoğan, who is one of the volunteers behind the exhibition.
The ten projects are all based on an urgent problem, and have been developed in close collaboration with local partners and organisations. The design is also based on local culture, local materials and building traditions. This has resulted in some exciting, more sustainable and often beautiful buildings. All have been created with a great deal of voluntary commitment from architects around the world.
The exhibition has been created with support from CISU's information pool and can be experienced around the clock until once in the autumn.